The Champion-A-Team program gives you the opportunity to support one of our varsity Spartan teams with 100% of your gift going directly to the team of your choice. These funds will be used to help teams develop complete champions… to enhance the team experience… and to help the coach with strategic team goals.

In honour of Ron Pike for his many years of building the men’s volleyball program, the “Ron Pike Scholarship” has been initiated. $17,500 per year is currently being designated to this scholarship. Please consider helping us grow this annual scholarship.
Team Sustainability Program
As part of the Champion-A-Team program, the Team Sustainability Program addresses critical support and extra finances needed above the base line funding that TWU provides. In order to sustain the level of excellence that has taken many years to build and develop, there are four components to this program.
- Coaching Excellence: Critical for sustaining a great athletics program is having good leadership and the best talented coaches available. In order to retain high quality leaders, it is important to supplement coaching salaries where needed. The Fraser Valley’s high cost of living to raise a family can be a real challenge. Help us sustain a good team by retaining our top head and assistant coaches.
- Scholarships: To continue to be competitive it is essential that we offer scholarships in order to recruit the top “mission-fit” athletes. We also have some student-athletes that are in financial need as they are not getting enough scholarships to cover tuition, so they scramble during the summer to make enough money to cover the difference and to be able to come back. Help us raise scholarship funds for those in “financial need”.
- Team Operating Costs: Annually, teams raise money for additional operating dollars to help fund pre-season trips, team-building activities, extra meals, admin help, video work, recruiting costs, and mission trips.
- Team Endowment (long-term investment): Help us invest in the future and build for eternity as we grow a team endowment fund (within the Complete Champions Fund) with the objective of having a large enough fund to use towards scholarships and operating. Only a portion of the interest earned will be used with the remaining interest and principal amount left to continue to grow the fund in perpetuity.
Each restricted contribution designated towards a program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where most needed.